ONE HUBCAP FARM | Blythewood, SC

Pigs are growing, tomatoes are ripening

It’s hot, y’all.  While farmers in other places are complaining that they can’t get their tomatoes in the ground because it’s still too cold, I’m hoping to protect mine from sunburn. To protect them, I put shade cloth over the plants.  It allows in plenty of sunshine for plant growth, but it protects them from the sun’s burning rays.


I saw a few tomatoes beginning to ripen this morning, and I hope I will have some for the farmers market on Wednesday.  I am able to harvest plenty of green beans, although they aren’t green, they are the purple ‘Amethyst’ variety.


They do turn a traditional green when they are cooked.

The pigs are having a great time in the woods.  Yes, they are cute, but so are all pigs.  These are just my pigs who come running when I approach the pasture.


I definitely have mixed feelings about turning these pigs into bacon.  I continually remind myself and my family that anytime we eat a piece of bacon for breakfast or a slice of ham on a sandwich from anywhere besides another family farm that believes in providing a good life for their animals, we are eating another pig who could be just as cute and friendly.

However, instead of spending his life tilling the forest floor for acorns, eating grubs, and lying under an oak tree in a cool spot when it’s hot, he spent his life inside a concrete-floored building filled with filth, probably never even seeing the sun.

Here is a video of my boys enjoying the shade.

My pigs will have one bad day, instead of a lifetime of bad days.  They get to spend their lives doing what pigs do, which is mostly tilling the soil for something yummy to eat and napping.

Here is the pork price list .  Please call or email me if you have any questions or if you would like to place an order.  I expect these pigs to be ready for harvest in July or August.