Over the past few years, my father has stopped the traditional method of growing beef cattle, where the farmer has cows and a bull, nature
Look Forward to Spring by Planting Bulbs
Over the years I have lived at my home, I have tucked hundreds of bulbs into the clay soil. Some I dug from overcrowded beds
Planting garlic with a little help from my girls
I’m a little late planting garlic this fall, but, because our ground does not freeze, it will be okay. As you can see from the
Harvesting Saffron
Saffron is an expensive spice when purchased at the store (I think I paid $14 for a normally-sized spice jar of it when I last
Our locally grown fall supper
My potatoes that I harvested back in the early summer are sprouting eyes, even though I have kept them in the coolest area of the house, and