Sal’s Garden Boxes are monthly containers of delight that Sallie Sharpe, a seventh-generation homesteader from the Blythewood area, creates to help new gardeners know what to plant when, and to make gardening easier for experienced gardeners.

The November box contained a mix of succulent seed and cute containers in which to plant it indoors, garlic to plant in the garden, a pair of earrings from a local artisan, and seasonal Thanksgiving decorations.
I love Sal’s attention to detail. Every item in the boxes coordinates with the rest of the contents.
Here is February’s box. Potatoes and onions to plant in the spring garden, all enclosed in a pink bag to continue the Valentine’s Day theme.
Potato tubers are in a cellophane bag covered with hearts, and the carrot package has a multicolored tag describing the name. It inspired me to plant them in the garden immediately. (Well when it stopped raining for a bit anyway!)
Even the directions for planting the garden are beautiful. No boring piece of copy paper for Sal!
To get your Garden Box, visit Sal’s website here.
Subscriptions to the box are a great gift idea for any holiday, or just for a present to yourself.