ONE HUBCAP FARM | Blythewood, SC

It’s been a perfect morning for weeding the garden

I spent 1 1/2 pleasant hours pulling weeds this morning in the garden.  The temperature is in the seventies, which is unusual for June in SC, and the humidity is low.  I crawled around among the fennel, beets, carrots, onions, leeks, and asparagus and pulled several buckets of weeds, which I tossed to the chickens.

The chickens were hiding under the dogwood tree, both to stay out of the sun and to avoid the hawk that sat in a pine tree above their chicken tractor.  I have decided that the hawks in our neighborhood are too full of other prey to bother with the chickens, or else they believe my chickens are too big for them, because they regularly fly over the chickens and I haven’t lost any birds to them–yet.  

This hawk was apparently bothering the nest of some smaller bird, because I saw it attacking the hawk as it sat on the branch.  The hawk brushed it away as if it was a pesky fly, and eventually flew away.

Mr. Schultz, my dachshund, joined me in the garden.  He likes to sleep his days away, preferably in my bed, but if I don’t allow it, in his dog bed.  He’s very picky about the weather he enjoys outside, but temperatures in the seventies are perfect for anyone.

I have lots of articles I need to post–I’ve neglected my blog lately.  My girls are out of school now and I’ll have more free time to do other things.