ONE HUBCAP FARM | Blythewood, SC

Conquering the Weeds

“The weeds are taking over!” is normally my lament this time of year, although if you are in South Carolina right now, nothing grows when the temperatures are 95 to 100 degrees and there is no rain.

After studying the practices of organic farmers and observing the weeds in my own garden, I wrote this ebook about maintaining a (nearly) weed-free garden using organic methods.  Click here to view it on Amazon…it’s free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers.

This year, the weeds are not overtaking me.  Thanks to following the practices in my book, I can, for the first time ever, say that I do not have a problem with weeds in the garden.  I do not spend hours weeding, and instead of battling 50 feet of crabgrass with a hoe, I walk among my plants, pull out the occasional weed, (disposing of any going to seed in the trash), and otherwise enjoy the garden.